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Sound Projects
CONTEXT: Smart Object, MFA Products of Design, SVA
Sound Project: Welcome
Project 1
Timeline: 1 week
Sound Project: Text
Voices of Winds
Material: tinfoils, matel wire, fan
Due to the fact that tinfoil is extremely thin and light-weight, any light movement will make it rustle. This feature made it a perfect material to capture the sound of wind. The form is inspired by plants as they are the natural instrument of wind.
Sound Project: Video
He Ye
Material: tinfoils, matel wire
Inspired by lotus leaves (He Ye). The tinfoil balls are used to simulate water droplets rolling on lotus leaves
Sound Project: Video

Sound Project: Services
Final Project
Sound Project: Text
Sound Project: Text

Sound Project: Image
When the quality of time increase, the speed and value of time increase as well, and the existence of time become hard to notice and vice versa.
Sound Project: Text
Sound Project: Text
The volume of tick-tock will change with time. The hour hand can act as a rotary knob to control the volume.

Sound Project: Video
Sound Project: Text
The first way to achieve that is to add a player behind the clock, and control the volume by a ESP8266 connected to wifi. The second way is to add a loudspeaker behind the clock and amplify the sound of the clock directly. The problem with this one is that the volume can only be changed through a potentiometer.
Network ESP8266 with Firebase
Build the physical clock.
Get arduino to playback WAV file on buzzer using PCM library
Build website for controlling important times
Sound Project: Text

Sound Project: Image
Sound Project: Text

Sound Project: Image
1st Attempt
Sound Project: Text

Sound Project: Image
No DAC pin in ESP8266 - poor sound quality.
Sound Project: Text
2nd Attempt
Sound Project: Text

Sound Project: Image

Sound Project: Image
Audio library is not compatibility with ESP32 - can't adjust volume.
Sound Project: Text

Sound Project: Image

Sound Project: Image
Sound Project: Text
Poor sound quality when playing wav files.
Sound Project: Text
3rd Attempt
Sound Project: Text

Sound Project: Image
Final Design
Sound Project: Text

Sound Project: Videos
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